Well, I survived March break – back to the ole routine tomorrow!  I’m kind of glad in a way because now I can get back into the swing of things with regards to my weight loss challenge.  I believe there are only a few weeks left of the competition, but it’s no longer about the money – although, it would be nice – my goal now is to loose another 15-20 lbs before summer.  If I keep loosing 1-2 lbs/week then I will achieve this goal.  Tomorrow is weigh-in and I’m feeling okay about it.  I’ve seen comments about how some people can’t wait for the Biggest Loser competition to be over so they can go indulge in some kind of fattening, fast food.  I will admit it, I’ve thought the same thing – “I can’t wait until I can have a feed of KFC”.  Then I think, “Isn’t that the reason I got like this to begin with?”  I don’t want to be that fast food junky anymore.  I want to continue to eat healthy or it could very well kill me.

I had a rough week – ate a lot of junk food so I’m not expecting much.  I tried to go on a veggie/fruit fast today – but that came to a screeching halt when John and I went for a Sunday drive and stopped at the bakery in Bras D’or.  I bought a tiny bun of wheat bread and had some when I got home.  Oh, that wasn’t the end of it – I made a one egg/one egg white omelet with mushrooms and green peppers in it.  It was delicious.  Then I had a greek yogurt, some fruit, clementines and green tea with a Special K bar.  In the evening, I enjoyed some almonds, walnuts and just a few bbq peanuts.  I wasn’t really munching on anything too bad until Ashley showed up with a huge bag full of mini-easter eggs.  They are my favorite and I have to admit, Easter isn’t my favorite holiday food-wise (well, it is, but not this year).  I could eat enough chocolate to choke a horse!

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup

I actually made some healthy meals this week – I boiled some chicken breasts and used the water to make a chicken noodle soup.  It’s really good.  I just threw some carrots, celery, and chicken in it.  I added some noodles and yum.  Ashley’s friend was here for the week and she absolutely loved it.  With some of the other chicken I made quesadillas.  I used the flat grill and sprayed it with non-stick cooking spray.

Tomorrow, I have hamburger meat thawed in the fridge so I’ll cook up some patties and veggies for me and I’ll add potatoes to John’s.  I might even make him some french fries.  For lunch, I packed fruit, carrots, a little mini peanut butter/jam sandwich with the tiny bun I bought today.  I also packed some yogurt and a Special K bar to have with my tea.

Now, last week, I got weighed first thing in the morning and tomorrow I’ll get weighed after school so I’m not too hopeful.  Also, I weighed myself last night and it wasn’t pretty.  I was up 3 lbs since my weigh-in at the gym Monday morning.  I am only hopeful for the fact I weighed myself on a different scale and at the opposite end of the day.

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