Well, this is it … the last week of the Biggest Loser Challenge … I didn’t go get weighed today because it’s not really over until Thursday at 9:30pm so I have a few days to play with.  I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately, but honestly, nothing really exciting is happening.

It was Easter weekend plus my birthday so a lot of “food” celebrations going on.  I don’t think I did too badly.  On my birthday I had asked the girls NOT to get me a cake and they respected my wishes.  We did go out for supper at Don Cherry’s Sports Bar and Grill.  I got the grilled chicken burger with cheddar cheese and bacon – I managed to get that into me and about half a dozen fries and I was full.  I saved my calories for that meal because I knew we’d be doing something for my birthday.  I worked all day so I wasn’t home picking.  When I did get home from work, I was famished.  I snacked on carrots, celery and dip until Alyssa also got home from work and then off we went.

Sunday was Easter and it was rough.  My mother usually gets me a Mr Munchy chocolate Easter bunny, but this year she got me a small one, which was perfect!  I stole a couple of chocolate Easter eggs and then we went to my sisters for supper (who, believe it or not, is also doing the challenge!).  She had a huge scoff at her place!  There was potato salad, macaroni salad, glazed ham and dessert.  Her boyfriend chopped some tomato, lettuce and cucumber and put them on the table so I snacked on cucumbers until supper was ready.  I took one scoop of potato salad, a small scoop of macaroni salad (it was the kind made with tomato based sauce rather than mayonnaise), and a few slices of baked ham.  She was cutting the turtle pie dessert and the huge piece she offered me almost made me faint!  I decided I’d cut my own piece 1/4 of the size of the one she cut me!  I just needed a taste, not send my sugar into orbit.

I felt pretty good leaving there … full, but good.  I didn’t overindulge, which was easily doable there, and I was comfortably full.  John and I drove out to his parents for a visit and she made exactly the same supper!  Her’s came with cabbage rolls and broccoli/cauliflower casserole in cheese sauce.  I didn’t have her supper, but I did have a cup of tea and a very tiny piece of ‘never fail’ cake.  She too, wanted to cut me a humungous piece so I asked her if I could cut it myself.  It was just a little something sweet to go with tea.

I got up this morning and jumped on the scale.  Much to my surprise I’m down a couple of pounds – surprisingly enough after that sugar filled weekend I just had.  I had a great day today with my diet.  I had lots of fruit, veggies and I had haddock for supper.  I skipped the broccoli/cheese rice that I made for John and just went with the piece of fish I cooked with tomatoes and a little sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.  It was rather tasty.

I also didn’t want to get weighed today because I’m a little bit stressed.  I have a presentation to do tomorrow in school and I know stress isn’t very helpful when it comes to weight loss so I figured if I waited until the stress was gone, it might also take the pounds away.  Also, I just finished my period so I should be so good to go on Thursday.  I’ll be going in the morning to get myself weighed.  I am pretty confident I didn’t win the money … but I did win a healthy life and I probably added a couple of more years to it!

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